Red Tent Womens Circle

Red tents are an ancient and sacred tradition of women coming together to gather power and reset for the month to come. This gathering takes place at one of the most potents times of the month: New Moon and Full Moons. We can always tap into this energy by ourselves but when we gather as a tribe we multiply our intentions and see perspectives that had been hidden in our blind spots.


• New Moon holds the energy of new beginnings. It has the most potent effect on supporting what we want to cultivate next on our journey. And in the company of a whole group of women that power is magnified for some extra ummph.

• New moon is also when our energy tank is at its lowest. There can be tendencies to self sabotage or feel overwhelmed. What better time than this to come together with your sisters for a boost of energy and those really important reminders to keep you in an upward spiral. 

• Red Tents were the norm for thousands of years. Women would come together during their menstrual/moon time and share wisdom among the generations on all sorts of topics. This was where we would be initiated into womanhood, shown the ropes, and most of all, got support at a woman's most vulnerable time. Priceless...and I want some of this in my life!

This is so Powerful and so Needed in our world today! 


Recent Red Tent Gatherings